Volker Böge

Peace and Conflict Studies Institute Australia

Dr phil., peace researcher and historian. Senior Research Fellow at the Toda Peace Institute, Tokyo, Japan; Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS) at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (UQ); Co-director of Peace&Conflict Studies Institute Australia (PaCSIA). Fields of work: post-conflict peacebuilding and state formation; non-Western approaches to conflict transformation; environmental degradation and conflict. Main regional area of expertise: Oceania. Volker most recently has worked on research projects which address peacebuilding and state formation in Pacific Island Countries and West Africa.

He has just finalised a research project entitled ‘Disentangling international and local understandings in peacebuilding. Insights from the “laboratory” of Bougainville’, together with colleagues from the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He currently is involved in practice projects in Bougainville (Papua New Guinea), focussing on the issue of the Panguna mine and on the upcoming referendum on independence. He is a member of PaCSIA’s Bougainville Referendum Dialogues team, and a consultant to Misereor on the Panguna mine issue. He has just started work on a new project on ‘climate change and conflict in the Pacific’ with the Toda Peace Institute.

Dr phil., peace researcher and historian. Senior Research Fellow at the Toda Peace Institute, Tokyo, Japan; Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS) at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (UQ); Co-director of Peace&Conflict Studies Institute Australia (PaCSIA). Fields of work: post-conflict peacebuilding and state formation; non-Western approaches to conflict transformation; environmental degradation and conflict. Main regional area of expertise: Oceania. Volker most recently has worked on research projects which address peacebuilding and state formation in Pacific Island Countries and West Africa.

He has just finalised a research project entitled ‘Disentangling international and local understandings in peacebuilding. Insights from the “laboratory” of Bougainville’, together with colleagues from the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He currently is involved in practice projects in Bougainville (Papua New Guinea), focussing on the issue of the Panguna mine and on the upcoming referendum on independence. He is a member of PaCSIA’s Bougainville Referendum Dialogues team, and a consultant to Misereor on the Panguna mine issue. He has just started work on a new project on ‘climate change and conflict in the Pacific’ with the Toda Peace Institute.

The FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum is a series of events on current and overarching challenges and trends in peacebuilding. With the Peacebuilding Forum, we want to provide future-oriented impulses for the development of peacebuilding and strengthen the visibility and importance of the policy field in its entirety.


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